About Us

about us

The Managerial and Financial Training Center was established in 2004 and is a leading training center in providing training, rehabilitation, and advisory services with the highest standards of quality, governance, and sustainability, accredited by the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation and the National Center for E-Learning in Saudi Arabia.

Our vision

To be a leading Training Center offering the most updated and Internationally Accredited Training Programs.

Our mission

To achieve our Vision by Providing high standard Training Programs, Preparation for Professional Exams, & Managerial and Financial Consulting.

Our values

More about us

Why choose us

خبرة أكثر  من 18 عاما

More than 18 years

معتمـدون محليا ودوليا

Certified national and international

أسـعار تدريبية منافسة

Competent prices

ضمان جودة مخرجـات التدريب

Quality training materials

التقييم المسـتمر قبـل وبعد التدريب

Evaluation before and after training

كوادر تدريبية متميزة

Competent trainers

الشـفافية والوضوح والنزاهة

Confidentiality, clarity and clarity

التطويـر والتحديث المستمر

Continuous training and updating

مجالات تدريبية متنوعة

Variety of training fields

خدمة عملاء متميزة

Customer service

Our services

We provide you with the best training and development services

اشترك في النشرة البريدية
