The course aims to equip participants with the necessary knowledge and practical skills to successfully pass the Accounting Technician exam, which measures the competency of individuals seeking certification. It focuses on theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as providing the professional skills required to perform their roles in various economic sectors. The course is preparatory for the exam.
The certification is supported by the Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF), targeting citizens who can reclaim training and examination fees upon successful completion, according to HRDF policies.
Prepare participants to pass the Accounting Technician certification exam administered by the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants (SOCPA).
Enable certificate holders to qualify for employment in business establishments across various economic sectors, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises.
Learn bookkeeping skills, invoice processing, revenue and payment recording.
Understand how to prepare monthly and annual financial statements for managing an organization.
Equip participants with the skills to prepare financial statements.
Gain an understanding of different cost accounting concepts and systems.
Follow payment procedures and manage employee salaries.
Course Topics
The conceptual framework of financial accounting, professional standards, and presentation and disclosure in financial statements
Professional ethics.
Accounting cycle.
Presentation and disclosure in financial statements.
Elements of financial statements: recognition, measurement, valuation, presentation, and disclosure
Cash and cash equivalents.
Accounts receivable.
Other receivables.
Property, plant, and equipment.
Investment properties.
Current liabilities.
Non-current liabilities.
Provisions and contingent liabilities.
Costs and expenses.
Gains and losses.
Intangible assets.
Related party transactions.
Information systems and electronic data processing systems.
Nature of Cost Accounting
Concept of expenditure, cost, expense, loss, and asset.
Product costs and period costs.
Industrial costs and non-industrial costs.
Direct costs and indirect costs.
Fixed costs and variable costs.
Joint products and by-products.
Measurement Concepts
Cost elements.
Cost accounting systems
Cost Accounting Systems
Job order costing system.
Process costing system.
Decision Analysis
Cost-volume-profit analysis.
Financial ratios.
Target Audience
This course is suitable for individuals aiming to obtain the Accounting Technician certification from the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants (SOCPA). It is open to diploma holders or higher in the field of accounting, with a minimum diploma duration of two years. University graduates in business administration, financial and administrative sciences, and economics are also eligible. Employees in accounting and finance departments, accounting firms, and auditing offices, as well as anyone interested in working in the field of accounting, can benefit from this course.
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Feb. 25, 2025
الوحدة : ابدأ هنا
الوحدة : اخلاقيات مهنة المحاسبة
Ethics of the Accounting Profession
Types of Business Entities
الوحدة : أنواع منشآت الأعمال
Types of Business Entities
Types of Business Entities
الوحدة : الفروض المحاسبية
Accounting Assumptions
Accounting Assumptions
الوحدة : المبادئ المحاسبية
Accounting Principles
Accounting Principles
الوحدة : الإطار المفاهيمي للتقارير المالية
Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting
Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting
الوحدة : أنواع الحسابات
Types of Accounts
Types of Accounts
الوحدة : معادلة المركز المالي
The Financial Position Equation
The Financial Position Equation
الوحدة : دليل الحسابات
Chart of Accounts
Chart of Accounts
الوحدة : امساك الدفاتر
الوحدة : الدورة المحاسبية
The Accounting Cycle
The Accounting Cycle
الوحدة : نظرية القيد المزدوج
Double-Entry Accounting Theory
Double-Entry Accounting Theory
الوحدة : تحليل العمليات المالية
Analysis of Financial Transactions
Analysis of Financial Transactions
الوحدة : ترحيل وترصيد الحسابات
Posting and Balancing Accounts
Posting and Balancing Accounts
الوحدة : ميزان المراجعة
Trial Balance
Trial Balance
الوحدة : الأخطاء المحاسبية
Accounting Errors
Accounting Errors
الوحدة : التسويات الجردية
Inventory Adjustments
Inventory Adjustments
الوحدة : التسويات الجردية - تمارين
Inventory Adjustments - Exercises
Inventory Adjustments - Exercises
الوحدة : ورقة التسوية (ورقة العمل)
The Worksheet (Working Paper)
The Worksheet (Working Paper)
الوحدة : ورقة التسوية (ورقة العمل) - أمثلة توضحية
The Worksheet (Working Paper) - Illustrative Examples
The Worksheet (Working Paper) - Illustrative Examples
الوحدة : إقفال الحسابات وتدويرها
Closing and Rolling Over Accounts
Closing and Rolling Over Accounts
الوحدة : معيار المحاسبة الدولي (1) - عرض القوائم المالية
International Accounting Standard (IAS) 1 - Presentation of Financial Statements
International Accounting Standard (IAS) 1 - Presentation of Financial Statements