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International Financial Reporting Standards IFRS

International Financial Reporting Standards Ifrs
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The International Financial Reporting Standards (CertIFR) program offers a unique opportunity for professionals in accounting and auditing to deepen their understanding of international financial reporting standards. This course is designed to enable specialists to master international standards, whether they seek to develop their current skills or aspire to gain official recognition of their expertise and knowledge in this vital field.
For more information about this certification, please visit the following link to the certificate's website:[]
- Review the history and development of International Accounting Standards.
- Identify challenges associated with transitioning to International Standards.
- Explore mechanisms for transitioning towards International Standards.
- Clarify terms related to International Standards.
- Role of the International Accounting Standards Board.
- Recognize the entities supporting accounting harmonization.
- Explain the conceptual framework for the preparation and presentation of financial statements.
- Identify components of the conceptual framework.
- Review elements of financial statements.
- Basic assumptions for preparing financial statements according to International Financial Standards.
- Details of International Accounting Standards Nos. 1, 2, 7, 8, 10, 16, 36, 15, 23, 38, 1.
- Clarify differences between International and US standards.
- Overview of other standards not addressed.-
- Practical and applied cases
- IAS-1: Presentation of Financial Statements
- IAS-2: Inventories
- IAS-7: Statement of Cash Flows
- IAS-8: Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors
- IAS-10: Events after the Reporting Period
- IAS-11: Construction Contracts
- IAS-16: Property, Plant and Equipment
- IAS-17: Leases
- IAS-18: Revenue
- IAS-20: Government Grants and Other Assistance
- IAS-21: The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
- IAS-23: Borrowing Costs
- IAS-24: Disclosure of Related Party Transactions
- IAS-27: Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements
- IAS-28: Investments in Associates
- IAS-31: Interests in Joint Ventures
- IAS-32: Presentation of Financial Instruments in Financial Statements
- IAS-33: Earnings per Share
- IAS-36: Impairment of Assets
- IAS-37: Provisions, Contingent Liabilities, and Contingent Assets
- IAS-38: Intangible Assets
- IAS-39: Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments
- IAS-40: Investment Property
- IFRS-3: Business Combinations
- IFRS-7: Disclosure of Financial Instruments
- Exercises and practical cases
Target Audience
- Financial Managers
- Internal and External Auditors
- Bank Employees
- Accountants
- Accountants and Auditors in Commercial Enterprises